Welcome To

Alchemy Sanctuary
A magical experience. I loved discovering the beauty and energy of the flowers. The oracle cards, meditation and flower music are powerful—these will stay with me…


Divine magic

Alchemy Sanctuary

Journey with Flower Guides

Receive messages from flowers

Sacred Tools

Crystals, Pendulums and more

Growing Plants

Plant magic and garden rituals

What Gifts Do You Carry?

Discover which of the Clairs

Gifts of Plants

Working with common medicinal plants

Nature Spirits

Meet your guides 

Guided Meditations

A new guided meditation each month

Altars and Rituals

Rituals, Invocations, Altars

Lunar + Nature Cycles

The Moon’s influence in the seasons


Flower Mandala eBook

Crystal Grids and Flowers

Make a Vision Board

Learn How

Bee Garden Poster

Free Download

Free Resources 

Weekly Oracle Reading

 Alchemy Flower or Eco Heart Oracle

Flower and Plant Music

Free virtual flower music garden tour

I would recommend Ingrid and any of her workshops or private one on ones for anyone in love with flowers as it is surely something you will never regret or forget!


We stand for

Love + Connection

Who We Support

  • KIVA loans for women in agriculture in developing countries.

Flowers for Bees

We grow flowers for bees at Alchemy Farm on Salt Spring Island.

Sharing Teachings

We share knowledge to recconnect you to Nature and deep intuition.

Ingrid’s cards and readings are like no other I’ve had. Her Eco Heart Oracle and Alchemy Flower Oracle decks have a beautiful energy, and getting a reading using these decks is not only enlightening but also like a loving hug. The flower meditation that Ingrid provides keeps the high vibration, loving energy going long after the reading is over.


Messages from flowers

Alchemy Flower Oracle
Newsletter Subscribers save 10% on oracle decks—join free!

My experience with Ingrid was so wonderful. She has a wealth of information and her flowers are absolutely beautiful. I’m so happy to have met her and look forward to coming back to do another workshop with her.


Messages from nature

Eco Heart Oracle
Newsletter Subscribers save 10% on oracle decks—join free!

Absolutely STUNNING decks which hold such beautiful and sacred energies.
So much love, thought and light clearly went into creating these as it is abundantly clear – beautiful art, beautiful energies and a beautiful connection to Gaia and the Natural World. Thank you so much. Xxx


Frequently Asked Questions…

Do I have a limited amount of time to do the course or workshop I purchased?

You may work at your own pace. You will have access to courses and workshops you purchase during the lifetime of the Alchemy Sanctuary. 

Do I have to have any experience?

You do not need any prior experience to take part in any of the content. Even if you are already experienced in working with sacred energy you will discover new ways of working with your intuition and working with the natural world and Spirit.

Will I have contact with Ingrid?

You will be able to interact with her during scheduled Zoom calls and during Q+As for some courses.

When is new content released?

Oracle readings are emailed every Sunday. The Sunday emails will also include news of new courses, workshops, retreats and membership opportunities. 

Are there Live Monthly Gatherings?

In the future there may be monthly gatherings via Zoom for those who choose to upgrade to an Alchemy Sanctuary membership. 

Is there a Private Community online?

In the future there may be a private paid online community.

Who do I contact if I need help?

We are here to support you on your journey. If you have any questions or concerns please email us at hello@alchemysanctuary.com

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards. 

What is your refund and cancellation policy?

There are no refunds after you have accessed/completed the first module of a course or workshop. If you have any questions please email hello@alchemysanctuary.com

Thank you for creating such an enchanting place for us to visit, enjoy the beauty and harmony of the flowers and connect with each other in a beautiful and natural space.


Join and Receive

A Free Oracle Reading Every Sunday

You may unsubscribe at anytime. We’ll never spam you or share your information.